Through rose-coloured lenses
photos from around Sydney, and sometimes other parts of Australia too!
Friday, August 11, 2006
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
A touch of France

Well, a little commercial, yes, but there are places where you can get a touch of France outside France - although the Delifrance chains may not serve up completely authentic french pastries, sometimes it is close enough (and cheap!). Since taking this photo, however, I noticed that it is no longer there, but has been replaced by a similar cafe called "De la France". Perhaps a more authentic place? For those wondering, Delifrance *could* be found on the corner of George St and Goulburn St in the Sydney CBD.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Monday, May 08, 2006
Peanuts at the Rocks

Every weekend, a section of the main road in Sydney's famous suburb 'The Rocks' gets closed off to vehicles and little market stalls get set up. It's a fabulous location, right next to Circular Quay that houses two famous Sydney landmarks: the Harbour Bridge and the Opera House. It's nice to have a stroll through the markets. They aren't very big, but there are a lot of different types of stalls, and even if you're not into buying souvenirs, very few can resist the smell of hot roasted caramelised peanuts (which is what they're cooking on the front plan of this photo). Mmmmm!
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Anzac Day

ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. It marks the anniversary of the first major military action fought by Australian and New Zealand forces during the First World War. This mural was painted in commemoration of Anzac Day and can be found at non other than Sydney's famous Bondi Beach.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Some good news: I will very shortly be acquiring my very own digital camera. Yay! (3 cheers for me). So now, if any of you haven't given up on this site and still visit, there will soon be life at the good ol' Lunettes Roses. Come back and check in from time to time:)
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Sydney Skyline

You might just be able to make out Sydney Centrepoint Tower (to the right, behind those tree branches), one of the most recognisable landmarks of the city. The tower was built to withstand high speed winds up to 172 km/hr, and stands 304 m tall. Of course, from this angle, it doesn't look that impressive, but the view from the top is quite breathtaking, expanding seemingly forever in all directions! There's a revolving restaurant at the top, so you get to see the whole 360 degree view over dinner. One of these days, I will snap a shot of the tower from another angle (closer this time).
PS: This one's for you Eric!
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Laughing jackasses

Since we're on the subject of birds, here's a very Australian bird: the kookaburra. The first time I heard a kookaburra, I thought it sounded like a laughing chimpanzee! If you want, you can hear it for yourself at this website.
Thanks to my little brother for the photo!
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Fish markets

The Sydney Fish Market is home to many birds that hang around in packs hoping to acquire some food, mainly from patrons that are stupid enough to eat their seafood lunches on the outdoor tables (i.e. me!). Most notorious are the seagulls: while one distracts you on one side, another swoops in and steals all your sashimi in one beak-full! Pictured here, however, is the much larger pelican (can you spot all 5?) - don't wanna fight with that one!